PD Dr. med. Wilm Quentin, MSc HPPF
President, G-WAC
Wilm Quentin is a senior research fellow at the Department of Health Care Management at TU Berlin and leading the department’s focal area “Global Health” and the German West-African Centre for Global Health and Pandemic Prevention (G-WAC). Wilm is associate editor of the Journal “Health Policy”, and coordinating the Health Reform Monitor section of the WHO European Observatory’s Health System and Policy Monitor network in that journal. He has been a consultant for international Organisations (WHO EURO, WHO AFRO, World Bank), national governments (e.g. Slovenia, Belgium) and other actors (national health insurance in Poland and South Korea). Wilm is teaching at the department on “Health Systems: Goals, Functions, Actors” and “Economic Evaluation”.
Wilm received the degree of “Dr. med” in 2010 and the German degree of “Privatdozent” (formal lecturer qualification) in 2017. He is a medical doctor and holds an MSc in Health Policy, Planning & Financing (HPPF) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the London School of Economics (LSE). He studied medicine and political sciences in Würzburg, Munich, Madrid, Leipzig and Marburg, where he graduated in 2007. He worked as a research assistant at the department of Health Economics of the University of Leipzig and was a visiting fellow at the Institut National de Santé Publique in Abidjan. He holds a Visiting Professor position at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana.
Research interests
- Health Systems
- Payment Systems
- Costing studies
- Europe and Africa